
Resolving Member Disputes

Members of the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) are required to follow REBNY’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practices (the “Code”). The Code outlines how members should treat one another, consumers, and the public when facilitating real estate transactions. You can read the

Code of Ethics and Professional Practices “Code”

Participants in the REBNY Listing Service (RLS) are governed by the Universal Co-Brokerage Agreement (the “UCBA) which sets out the rules and regulations of how Participants share exclusive listings over the RLS and co-broke residential properties. You can read the Universal Co-Brokerage Agreement (“UCBA”)

Universal Co-Brokerage Agreement “UCBA”

To learn more about the Code and the UCBA, sign up for a DOS- approved Continuing Education class called Rules of the Road Ethical Business Practices and Co-Brokering in New York State. The free class can be found on the Education page and is held virtually once per month.

See our Education Classes

Filing a Complaint

Members are encouraged to resolve their differences by referencing the Code and/or the UCBA with a manager’s assistance where applicable. However, there are times when the dispute cannot be resolved between members and a complaint must be filed requiring REBNY’s intervention. REBNY’s Committee on Ethics and Professional Practices and its sub-committees hears complaints that allege violations of REBNY’s Code of Ethics. The RLS Compliance Group, comprising of RLS staff under the guidance of the RLS Board of Directors, hears complaints alleging violations of the UCBA.

Learn more about REBNY Ethics Hearings. REBNY Ethics Hearing FAQ

File a Complaint

Be sure to receive your brokerage firm’s Broker A or B approval to file the complaint. It is also recommended that there should be a good-faith effort to resolve the complaint prior to filing the complaint.

REBNY RLS Violation Hearing FAQs


Member disputes, especially those involving monetary claims, may also be resolved through arbitration. Under the REBNY Constitution, Brokers A and B, and Management A and B members are compelled to arbitrate disputes. And under the Arbitration Procedures, Owners may be compelled to arbitrate disputes with Brokers under certain circumstances. Other members may submit their controversy for REBNY arbitration under a separate written agreement.

You can learn how to start an arbitration here Arbitration Procedures

Other frequently asked questions about the REBNY arbitration process are answered here Arbitration FAQs

For any other questions about resolving member disputes, including the REBNY arbitration process, please contact 212-616-5234.

Please note that these forums are available to REBNY members only, except as otherwise noted.